Analyzing and Investigating the Latest Healthcare Information Worldwide
We conduct analysis and investigation of the latest healthcare information worldwide.
Medical practices are constantly evolving, with new treatment methods and medications being developed every day.
By comprehending the current state and trends in healthcare worldwide, we contribute to the advancement of medical practices and the realization of equal access to healthcare.
We cover a wide range of topics, including the latest medical technologies, treatment methods, pharmaceuticals, and research findings, collecting only reliable information.
Investigating Healthcare Situations in Various Countries
We strive to understand not only the healthcare information available worldwide but also the healthcare situations in different countries.
Each country and region faces unique systems and challenges, influenced by their specific culture and social background.
By comprehensively grasping healthcare information from various countries, we can provide prompt information to medical institutions and patients.
By capturing the changes and innovations in healthcare at an early stage and spreading them, we contribute to society.
Surveying and Promoting the Demand for Medical Technology and Pharmaceuticals
We conduct surveys on medical needs and market trends worldwide, and provide support for the dissemination of medical technology and pharmaceuticals based on the findings. Taking into account the regional characteristics and cultural backgrounds, we propose tailored healthcare solutions that meet the specific needs. By offering region-specific information and providing accurate information to patients, we aim to facilitate the understanding and acceptance of medical technology and pharmaceuticals.
Global Health Information Guide
The Global Health Information Guide is a comprehensive service that compiles information on healthcare systems, health indicators, and medical technologies from different regions, allowing users to understand the differences in healthcare between their own country and others. We collect and organize medical information from around the world and provide it in a user-friendly manner. Users can learn about the characteristics of healthcare systems and health care in different countries, enabling them to make informed decisions about their own and their family's health
Improving the Overall Health Standard of Society
We are dedicated to working towards the improvement of the overall health standard of society. In order to achieve this goal, it is essential to create an environment where everyone has access to treatment and reliable healthcare information. However, currently, this problem remains unresolved, and there are still many individuals who are unable to receive the treatment they need, despite their desire to do so. We are committed to addressing this challenge through our business endeavors and contributing to the health and well-being of people, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives.
Collection of Research Data and Clinical Trial Data
Information from research and clinical trials is essential for understanding the future of healthcare. The effectiveness of the latest treatments and medications is validated through scientific research and clinical trials. Collecting research data and clinical trial data is a valuable source of information and a crucial element in supporting scientific knowledge. We conduct data collection to gain insights into the current state of healthcare and provide the latest evidence-based information.
Delivery of Reliable Medical Information
We carefully select and provide highly reliable medical information in our communication. Medical information is a critical aspect directly related to health, and it must be accurate and transparent. We strive to deliver trustworthy information and contribute to improving health standards and creating better healthcare environments.
Establishing an Accessible Environment for Medical Information
We strive to create an environment where medical information is easily accessible, enabling us to reach a wide audience. While various media platforms such as television and radio are available for information dissemination, we primarily focus on online channels, leveraging the Internet to share information.
Through the Internet, we aim to provide accurate medical information to a larger audience and assist in resolving health issues and concerns. While there are challenges in delivering medical information widely, we make daily efforts to create an environment where people can easily obtain information in a more accessible format than ever before.
Promoting Medical Innovation
We are dedicated to fostering medical innovation in Japan through our business endeavors. Currently, approximately 70% of pharmaceuticals that have demonstrated therapeutic effects overseas remain unapproved and cannot be prescribed domestically. Additionally, about 70% of the medications prescribed in Japan are not utilized abroad. Consequently, the range of treatment options available in Japan is limited.
By changing this healthcare system, we believe that more lives can be saved, and diseases can be fully cured. Through our efforts in disseminating global medical information and providing support for the purchase of foreign pharmaceuticals, we strive to promote advancements in Japan's healthcare sector.
Providing High-Quality Pharmaceutical Information
We are well-versed in pharmaceuticals and also provide high-quality information on medications. Our efforts extend beyond just detailing their effects and side effects; we strive to deliver transparent information, including lesser-known clinical trial results. Through the provision of high-quality pharmaceutical information, we aim to maximize safety and treatment efficacy, ultimately resolving patients' concerns.
Supporting the Purchase of Foreign Pharmaceuticals
Through our personal importation service for foreign pharmaceuticals, we strive to improve the overall health standards of society. Did you know that there are many pharmaceuticals available overseas that have reported effectiveness but are still unapproved in Japan, making them inaccessible? By utilizing our personal importation service, individuals can now access treatments that were previously unavailable within Japan, thus expanding the options for medical care.